📄️ Overview
📄️ Getting Started
Like any Solana program, one can interact with the Token Metadata program by sending UDP packets to the network or by using the API provided by RPC nodes. However, this is not a great developer experience and, as such, this page aims to help you get started with the Token Metadata program in a much more developer-friendly way.
📄️ Accounts
A comprehensive look at the account structs.
📄️ Instructions
A deep dive on the instruction handlers.
📄️ Token Standard
How the Token Standard works.
📄️ Certified Collections
All about the on-chain Metaplex Certified Collections spec.
📄️ NFT Escrow
Giving NFTs an escrow account.
📄️ Using NFTs
How the Uses field works.
🗃️ Changelog
5 items
📄️ FAQ
How can I filter Metadata accounts by fields located after the creators array using getProgramAccounts?